The overall governance and decision-making body of the GigaNet is the eight-person Steering Committee. The Steering Committee (SC) is comprised of four executive officers and the chairs of the four standing committees. All minutes and decisions of the Steering Committee shall be recorded and posted on the GigaNet site within two weeks of a meeting.

Current Steering Committee

  • Chair: Roxana Radu, Associate Professor of Digital Technologies and Public Policy and a Hugh Price Fellow at Jesus College, Oxford University. Her term ends after 2024.
  • Vice-Chair: Trisha Meyer, Assistant Professor of Digital Governance and Participation at the Brussels School of Governance of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Her term ends after 2025.
  • Secretary: Dr. Clément Perarnaud, Brussels School of Governance, Vrije Universiteit Brussel. His term ends after 2024
  • Treasurer: Yug Desai, doctoral candidate at South Asian University in New Delhi. His term ends after 2025
  • Membership: Dr Berna Akcali Gur, CCLS, Queen Mary University Law School. Her term ends after 2024.
  • Program: Dr. Jamal Shahin, Programme Director and Associate Professor at the Brussels School of Governance, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Senior Lecturer at the University of Amsterdam, and Professorial Fellow at UNU-CRIS in Bruges. His term ends after 2024. 
  • Communication: Dr Milton Mueller, Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology and Director, Internet Governance Project. His term ends after 2025.
  • Outreach and Partnerships: Dr. Serhat Tutkal, postdoctoral researcher at the College of Mexico (Colmex). His term ends after 2025.


GigaNet’s governance documents define as officers a Chair; Vice-Chair; Secretary and Treasurer. The Committee chairs are Membership, Program, Communication, Outreach and Partnerships. These Officers and Committee chairs constitute a Steering Committee (SC) that is responsible for coordinating the planning and execution of administrative tasks.

    • Chair: Acts as the main point of public contact with the network, leads the coordination of its operations, and prepares the agenda for and facilitates the discussions of Executive Committee and Steering Committee meetings.
    • Vice-Chair: Assists the Chair and performs the Chair’s functions in her/his absence.
    • Secretary: Keeps minutes of Executive Committee and Steering Committee meetings and prepares summaries for the general membership. With the support of the Executive Committee, coordinates and tallies the results of GigaNet elections. 
    • Treasurer: Manages funds and other resources received by the GigaNet.

Standing Committees
GigaNet has four standing committees: (1) Membership; (2) Program; (3) Communication; and (4) Outreach and Partnerships. The chair of each committee serves on the Steering Committee.

Briefly, the responsibilities of each of these standing committees are as follows:

    • Membership Committee: Receives and approves applications for membership; provides recommendations for membership expansion.
    • Program Committee: Coordinates the program for the annual GigaNet scholarly symposia to be held in conjunction with meetings of the United Nations’ Internet Governance Forum. Develops a Call for Papers, defines session themes, coordinates the review of submissions, and selects papers and presentations for inclusion in symposia programs.
    • Communication Committee: Develops, updates, and maintains the web site and its content, as well as any related social media. Develops and implements a strategy for communication inside GigaNet and, in liaison with the Outreach and Partnerships Officer, facilitates collaboration among GigaNet members.
    • Outreach and Partnerships Committee: Develops partnerships and cooperation with other academic and policy entities and, with the approval of the Steering Committee, oversees use of the GigaNet name by affiliated events, activities and organizations.

Participation in the standing committees is open to all GigaNet members. Ad hoc committees or other organizational structures can be created by the Steering Committee to address any issues that arise, and their time frame will be delimited upon creation.

Elections Process and Terms of Office
[Developed by the Steering Committee in July 2008, and sent to membership for review. Updated by the Steering Committee in December 2016]

  1. The term of appointment of Steering Committee members is two years.

1.1. The election takes place in staggered form:

    • Chair, Secretary, Membership, Program are elected in odd years, with the first time for a two year term in 2009.
    • Vice Chair, Treasurer, Outreach, and Communication are elected in even years, with the first time for a two year term in 2010; the term of these four positions lasts one year in 2009.
  1. Any GigaNet member may nominate any other GigaNet member as a member of the Steering Committee. Prior to submitting a nomination, the nominating GigaNet member has to make sure that the nominated GigaNet member is willing to accept the nomination, if elected. Self nominations are also welcomed.
  2. [2016 update] All candidates need to be nominated, or self-nominate on the list. All nominations require one seconder only (no “plus one” messages on the list).
    3.1. [2016 update] The above applies to any SC members who wish to stand again for office, or who are standing for another SC position.
    3.2. [2016 update] Current SC members do not formally nominate or second any candidates.
  3. A GigaNet member may only be nominated for a single position/function.
  4. [includes an update from 2016] The election process is done by electronic voting. The Vice-Chair and Secretary will act as Election Officer for the year in which either role is not open for election. The Election Officer is charged with managing the election process and with providing a report to the membership following the election, ensuring transparency and accountability.
  5. Election takes place on the basis of a relative majority of votes. In case of equal numbers of votes, the Communications Chair will randomly select a ballot, if no amicable settlement is reached otherwise.
  6. It would be desirable if the members of the Steering Committee would reflect diversity including geographical origins, gender, and disciplines. Additionally, it is desirable that Steering Committee members do not remain in the same position for more than two terms.
  7. In the case of a vacancy after an election has been held, the GigaNet Chair may appoint a GigaNet member to the open position, with confirmation by a majority of the Steering Committee and notification to the membership.

See list of Past GigaNet Officers.

Steering Committee Minutes

The SC generally meets monthly and the minutes of each meeting are posted here.