GigaNet, in collaboration with ICANN and other organizations, is establishing a global open repository of internet governance syllabi representing a range of disciplines, languages, and academic contexts. We hope to gather submissions from around the world garner more interest from other organizations and academic centers in joining in these efforts to create this resource for scholars, students, practitioners and others interested in internet governance as a field of study.
We invite you to send in both current and historical syllabi from course that you have taught, from full-fledged academic programs to short-term workshops. The repository supports the establishment of internet governance as a recognized, interdisciplinary field of study and will offer insights into course subjects, methods, and the evolution of the field.
If you would like to contribute to the repository, please submit your syllabus using this online form.
Digital Governance | 2023
Governing Human-Algorithm Behavior | Spring 2022
Internet Censorship, Control and Governance | Fall 2022
Teaching Internet Governance | 2022
Internet Governance | 2021
Platform Regulation | Fall 2020
Regulating Internet Speech Platforms | Fall 2020
Internet Censorship, Control and Governance | Fall 2019
Internet Governance_Mapping Global Internet Governance Principles, Policies and Practices | 2012
Demokratie und Digitalisierung | Winter 2019
Theorien des Digitalen- Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik 2 | Spring 2019
Technik — Gesellschaft — Kommunikation- Künstliche Intelligenz und die Frage gesellschaftlicher Kontrolle | Summer 2018
Theorie und Empirie der Internetpolitik | Winter 2017-18
Big Data- Kritik der algorithmischen Macht | Summer 2017
Democracy reloaded- Demokratieverständnisse in der digitalen Gesellschaft | Winter 2016-17
The syllabi in this repository are made available under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International