Presenting the Special Issue Vol. 45/6 of Telecommunications Policy
Norm Entrepreneurship In Internet Governance
Edited by: Roxana Radu, Matthias C. Kettemann, Trisha Meyer and Jamal Shahin.
Date • Wed, 14 July, 14.00-15.30 (CEST) • via Zoom
Registration • http://bit.ly/RegisterNormfare
Special issue • Telecommunications Policy
Featuring presentations from the authors of the special issue
Roxana Radu, Matthias C. Kettemann, Trisha Meyer, Jamal Shahin
Normfare: Norm entrepreneurship in internet governance
Nanette S. Levinson
Idea entrepreneurs: The United Nations Open-Ended Working Group & cybersecurity
Corinne Cath
The technology we choose to create: Human rights advocacy in the Internet Engineering Task Force
Julien Rossi
Robert Gorwa
Nicola Palladino
Chelsea L. Horne
Internet governance in the “post-truth era”: Analyzing key topics in “fake news” discussions at IGF
Nadia Tjahja, Trisha Meyer, Jamal Shahin
Riccardo Nanni
The ‘China’ question in mobile Internet standard-making: Insights from expert interviews
Blayne Haggart and Clara Iglesias Keller